Worship Services

Our Worship Services

Our Services are led by our Minister, other Ministers or by Methodist Preachers.

Our Morning Service begins at 10.30 a.m. until approximately 11.30 a.m. 

Once each month we have a Family Service, which includes members of our Uniformed Organisations.  Music is often led by our guitar & keyboard group or our orchestral band. 

Once a month on Sunday we hold services of Holy Communion during one morning and one evening service.

Once a quarter, there is a United Circuit Service, where people from all the local Methodist congregations gather to worship. 

Our Morning Service and Special Services are enhanced by the use of Powerpoint Slides on a large screen.  DVD's may also be used.

Our Hymn Book is ' Singing the Faith' of which we have a small number available for anyone who may find it difficult to read the words of the hymns on the screen.

Microphones are used for our services which are linked to the audio loop system for clarity of hearing.

The Car Park Entrance into the Church is accessible by motorised chair or wheelchair.

Coffee and biscuits are served in the Hardwick(church)Hall after every Morning Service.

There are a number of Special Services during the year such as  HolyWeek, Remembrance, Christingle and Christmas.

We join with the other local congregations to worship and to celebrate Pentecost under the banner of A.C.T.(Aireborough Churches Together, at Yeadon Tarn.




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